Step by Step Guideline to Complete Upwork Freelancer Profile 100% for Greater Success - By Green IT in Comilla

Follow those methods step by step to complete your upwork profile 100% and if you follow those methods properly, it will also help you to approve your upwork profile.
Step by Step Guideline to Complete Upwork Freelancer Profile 100%

The main required sections of your Upwork profile are: 1) Picture, 2) Title, 3) Overview, 4) Employment history and 5) at least 2(two) skills test.   When you complete those step, your profile will increase 60%. For example: sections 1 to 4 each add 10% (4*10%=40%) and 2 test each 10% (2*10%=20%), total 60%.
After complete those sections, to reach the remaining 40% profile completion, you can choose any combination from the following:
·    For each Employment History, your profile will increase more 10% and you can add maximum 30%. 
·         For each Portfolio item, your profile will increase more 5% and you can add maximum 10%. 
·         For each Skill Test, your profile will increase more 10% and you can add maximum 30%. 
·         For each Certificate, your profile will increase more 5% and you can add maximum 10%. 
·         For Education, your profile will increase more 10%. 
·         For Other Experience, your profile will increase more 5%.
Now start your journey to complete you upwork profile 

Profile Picture: You have excellence experience in your skills but if your profile picture says you’re not professional and friendly, think it is so bad. When a client look at your profile picture, in a glance he/she see the conveys of your professionalism and friendliness.

Please upload a professional picture in your profile with a professional dress which has clean background and high quality resolution. And don’t forget to smile when you’re snapping your picture.

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A perfect profile picture helps you to impress yourself positively with your prospective clients

Profile Title: Your profile title looks like very simple, but remember your all experience and skills are hide on it. When a client see your profile, in the first scene he/she looks at you title. So it is the great opportunity to impress your potential clients about your skills and experience.
Create a professional title whether a client is being interested to looking at your profile from first to last and considering you for the job.
Choose straightforward keywords and highlight only 1(one) your main skill on your profile title within 10 words. If you include a long list of skills, it means you’re a “jack of all trades” and it may bad effect to approve your profile and the consideration to get job. If you have extra skills left, you can add that from the supporting categories.
Add Skills: This section is most important for get approval your profile. Add maximum 3(Three) to 5(Five) skills in your profile. Focus your top skills which are most important and most relevant with your category and profile title.
Add Video: Having an introduction video on your profile is a great way to build rapport with clients looking for talent. An introduction video provides a preview of your unique characteristics and what it’ll be like to work with you. Top clients hire freelancers who are a joy to speak with and passionate about their trade.
Many freelancers skip this section, which means that having a video can make you stand out. It can be effective to create an introduction video that is around 30 seconds with a clutter-free background and clear audio and visual settings. CLICK HERE for step-by-step instructions, how to create and upload video in your profile.
Profile Overview: This is touch point of your profile. Your overview sets the tone for your profile by showing off your personality and giving clients a reason to read more about your skills and experience. Use your overview to concisely express what you can do for your client and your experience that goes along with it. 
To write a standard overview follow these steps:
Divide among three part of your overview. Keep it short as much as you can.
Part 1: As only the first two or three sentences or only the first 250 characters will appear in the freelancer search results list and other pages on Upwork, so make sure you only focused on your category-specific skills and put the most important information first according to your “Profile Title” and “Add skills” sections you put.  So that the clients or a reader can understand your expertise and talent.

 Part 2: Describe your last education, your working experience (Job details in your real life, if it related with your upwork profile title, it will better) and your experience label or time on your skills that describe in part 1.

Part 3: Describe what you want to do for your potential clients. You also describe here your ability to work and personality.

Remember, never include your contact information in your profile.
Portfolio: The portfolio section can be more essential in some categories than others. Including your past work examples and projects can enable viewers to see the quality of your work.
Certifications: Listing the certifications you’ve earned can show your specific knowledge and ability in related systems or software for your category.
Skills Test: You can take hundreds of free skill tests on Upwork. You can take as many tests as you want to demonstrate your skills to potential clients and make yourself more marketable. All your public tests are listed on your profile. 
There’s no penalty for failing a skills test, you can take as many as you want, and you are free to retake the test after 30 days. You’re welcome to retake tests periodically as your skills improve. You can also hide any tests with scores you don’t like or that no longer match your business focus.
All tests are scored on a scale of 0.0 to 5.0, with 5.0 being highest. The passing level for most tests is 2.5 out of 5.0.
Employment History: Your employment history is a great place to showcase your experience and give clients insight into your past projects and qualifications. Include your current business that you’re marketing on Upwork as well as previous work experience and focus on projects that relate to the type of job you want. You can use bullet points to highlight achievements and illustrate your specific expertise.
Education: This section can further enhance your profile by validating your credentials and educational background. It’s often clearest to list the institution name and your degree(s) in chronological order beginning with the most recent degree.
Other Experiences: In cases where you do not have formal education, consider adding all informal and self-taught education in the “Other Experiences” section. Completing this can help validate your background and increase your client’s trust in your work.
Maximize the effectiveness of your profile by being simple yet specific. Be proactive in updating your profile routinely with new experiences and content that will improve your qualifications and help you land more jobs. 

Written by : Md Rafiqul Islam
                    Green IT BD Comilla
Source: Upwork


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